Big Project | Service &Â Outreach | On Campus | Off Campus | Draizers | Kids Committee
This committee helps organize a semesterly, weekend-long service trip for FLiC. They start from the ground up by choosing the city FLiC will be serving in, finding organizations to work alongside, finding a place to house all of our members, and everything in between! Big Project has sent FLiC all over the state to places like Waco, Galveston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, New Braunsfels, and has even allowed FLiC to serve in Houston after Hurricane Harvey in 2017.
Service and outreach (better known as SnO) is committed to sharing the gospel on the campus of Texas A&M through prayer walks, outreach events, dinner evangelism, and week-long outreach projects. Through these outreach events, the students get to make relationships with students outside of the organization while sharing the good news of the Gospel with them. The committee is also committed to serving the community through service projects such as The Big Event and Angel Tree.
The on campus committee is focused on reaching students located on the campus of Texas A&M. This committee works alongside Aggie Baptist Student Ministries, specifically with Time for Chai on Friday nights. It has allowed members of this committee to form relationships with international students while showing them the love of Christ. On campus also puts together co-flo events to build community with other flos at Texas A&M!
Off Campus has a main organization that they work with away from the Texas A&M campus. They serve twice a month with Mending Hearts Grief Center at Christ Church. Members of the committee get to pray over the night, play games with the kids and families, go over a lesson with them and form relationships with them.
Draizers (short for fundraisers) helps FLiC bring in money to support the organization. The money they raise helps FLiC go on mission trips, serve the community through outreach events, and go on retreats that bring the organization together as a whole. Draizers raises money for the organization through merchandise sales and profit shares, as well as putting together the parents banquet at the end of the year.
Kids committee serves at Pioneers Friday Church, a kids ministry at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas. The ministry serves kids from ages 4 to 16 years old. At Pioneers, committee members watch over the kids while they enjoy free time before the night starts. They then get to serve the kids a meal, watch over them while the hear the lesson, and then going over the lesson with them.